indigeanous chamanism, healing spirituality of ayahuasca

healing power of ayahuasca

Sobre Nós

régis chaman

O que nós oferecemos

ayahuasca healing, chamanic trans, spiritual knowledge.

my place is small centre for spiritual retreat, i learned for more than ten years with alberto reategui a quechua chaman from the amazon of peru, then he teached me is spirtual songs called Icaros, that sing the chaman during the trans of ayhuasca. after he died, i decided to create a small center to continue his work of healing and spiritual knowledge.

my chamanic teatcher

alberto reategui was a quechua healer of peru, for more than ten years he teached me his knowledge and his songs of ayhauasca.

Chamanism is above religions dogma, or egotic gurus; it is a deep spirituality related with the nature power. This practice allow you to know better what your are with an elevation of consciousness, to help you to grow and go to more love and light...


this is my simple place for spiritual retreat in cavalcante, goais, chapada dos veadeiros, brasil. it begins with one week and and three ayahuasca cession, to one month and more, if the person want or need.

"Tendes ouvido o que foi dito: Amarás o teu próximo e poderás odiar teu inimigo. Eu, porém, vos digo: amai vossos inimigos, fazei bem aos que vos odeiam, orai pelos que vos perseguem. Deste modo sereis os filhos de vosso Pai do céu, pois ele faz nascer o sol tanto sobre os maus como sobre os bons, e faz chover sobre os justos e sobre os injustos. Se amais somente os que vos amam, que recompensa tereis? Não fazem assim os próprios publicanos? Se saudais apenas vossos irmãos, que fazeis de extraordinário?"
Matheus 5:43-47

the ayahausca plant is known for his healing power, it is very efficient to cure alcool and drugs adiction, depression and many psychologic problems, many sikness with no limit of purpose. the skill of the chaman make the difference to help you to go through your fears and find your inner god. the indigeanous chamanism is also a synchretism of animism and christianity, where jesus is the great healer.

you don't need to be religious to be a true person, bu it help some person to find the way, be full of faith, love , sincerity, humanity...

religion is not a flag to conquest the others, but a personal way to be a better human being, any spirituality that you choose, o that choose you. be humble and searching for truth like did bouddha and jesus and all the great mystics. only a deep personal change can change the world. at the end all spiritualities becomes one, because they have the same origin : chamanism.

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